Patient Information

Concession cards holders and children under the age of 16
Please call us on (03) 9715 3585 or online booking service.
A standard appointment is 10 minutes. If you require longer than this or need us to see more than one family member, please advise when booking so we can make a longer appointment for you. There may be a charge for a long appointment.
In the case of acute illness, especially in babies and children, please let the receptionist know when you call.
Fees may be payable for failure to show or appointments cancelled at the last minute.
Please notify the receptionists well in advance if unable to attend an appointment because we can reschedule it for use by another patient.
Fees may be payable for failure to show or appointments cancelled at the last minute.
These can be made by following the link on our home page (the green Book Now button), if you are having trouble with the online system, please call our receptionists on 9715 3585.
We welcome new patients to the clinic. Please call us on 9715 3585 to make an appointment or use the online system. Please arrive approximately 10 minutes before your first appointment to fill out our new patient form.
Address is 2 Hammock Drive, Doreen.
Parking lot dedicated for the Medical Practice.
Friendly receptionists will take your calls and make bookings during opening hours.
In the case of an accident or emergency you can call us on 9715 3585 and we will advise you of the best course of action, alternatively please call 000.
Doctors can take calls during surgery hours, however doctors are also seeing patients, and we will not interrupt appointments for calls which are non-urgent. Receptionists will determine the nature of the call and decide whether to put you through, or take a message. We appreciate your understanding.
We know your time is just as important as ours, and we do try to run on time. However General Practice is full of unexpected emergencies and problems which may be more complicated than they first seem. These emergencies and urgent matters can result in unavoidable delays. We hope you understand that if we run late, it’s because we are devoting as much time as necessary, as we would for you.
Please contact the surgery after 10am to obtain test and X-ray results.
In most cases a follow up appointment will be required, we’ll let you know when you call.
You’re responsible for the safekeeping of your X-rays. They’re important to your ongoing medical care and are often required for future appointments both with us and other specialists.
If you have had an X-ray in the past and not collected it, please ask reception at your next appointment.
Legal constraints and best practice procedures dictate that a consultation is made for all repeat prescriptions.
If a doctor has arranged for a repeat prescription to be left at reception an $18 fee will be payable.
It’s a legal requirement under the Medicare Act that a referral to a specialist only be given after due consideration by the treating physician. This therefore requires your physical attendance at the practice.
Practice is committed to preventative care.
Computer systems allow us to issue you with reminders via email or text that are appropriate to your care. E.g. PAP smears, annual health checks, immunisations etc.
If you do not wish to be part of the recall system, please let us know.
If you require an interpreter or translator for your appointment we can arrange one, please let reception staff know when you book.
The facility is newly outfitted, and is easily accessible.
Occasionally we may have GP registrars and medical students attending the practice and working with GPs at the practice. Please let us know if you would prefer a student or registrar does not attend your appointment.
Practice is now fully Accreditated with AGPAL. This means we have met and maintaining the standards set for the medical profession.
Doreen Family Medical Practice is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. Your medical record is a confidential document.
It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
It is the role of this clinic to provide a caring environment that is safe, welcoming and peaceful for all patients.
We respect the rights of individuals, and will attempt at all times to treat patients promptly, courteously and in a way that’s respectful of individual needs.
We request that patients, in turn, treat staff and other patients with respect, refraining from shouting, swearing or engaging in other inappropriate behaviour which may cause harm or distress to themselves or others.
This medical practice has zero tolerance for abusive and/or threatening behaviour towards staff and/or doctors.
This includes shouting, swearing, aggressive actions, threats, inappropriate gestures and name calling.
Abusers will be required to leave the clinic and be asked to transfer their care to another practice.
Refusal to leave will result in the police being called.
If you have a problem or a complaint with the service, staff or practice we would love to hear about it so we can improve your experience in the future. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or the practice manager or put your concerns in writing.
We take your suggestions, concerns and complaints very seriously. However, if you feel the need to take the matter further and discuss your issues outside the surgery you can contact the Medical Registration Board, AMA or
Health Care Complaints Commission
Level 30, 570 Burke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 1300 582 113